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  • Writer's picture Sarah Tyler Author

Do You Think, People Are Going Crazy?

When I see and hear all I am experiencing today in this Fallen World, just as my new book says : My Christian Journey Through a Fallen World, I have to look at prophecy of the Bible scriptures and then it helps me to understand this mad, mad world we find ourselves living in.

See God does have His plan and it tells us in the " Last Days"

Just when you don't expect it, He will break through

All that we are going through is because we are closer than we've ever been to Christ's soon return.

That's not a bad thing folks, that's a great thing, IF you have trusted Jesus as your own personal Savior.

It doesn't make it any easier though to live in this world at these times, but we have that "Blessed Hope" that as the disciples saw Him go up , He gave them this promise that we will see Him come back just as He said. There is no greater promise than this!

I have never seen a time where our President of the United States doesn't seem to have the power our constitution afforded him. He passes a law and the circuit judges over rule him. WHAT is going on with THAT?.

I think in all our hearts, we know what is RIGHT, but the evil one is so on the scene in these "Last Days". and he plays with our minds, just like he did with Eve in the garden, twisting God's words to appeal to her senses . Be strong of great courage, Deuteronomy 31:6.

YOU will WIN the VICTORY if you never give in. For the King and His Kingdom, Sarah

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