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  • Writer's picture Sarah Tyler Author


As I realize that today July 2, 2021, I am officially one year older. Does that make me sad?

No, not at all. See, the Lord told us to number our days. In Isaiah 30:18 ( NLT) encourages us with these words:

"The Lord still waits for you to come to him so he can show you his love and compassion; For

the Lord is a faithful God".

Blessed are those who wait for him to help them"Lord teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."

The Bible also tells us in Job 14:5 a person's days are determined; Psalms 139:16 (NIV)

says," God's eyes saw my uniformed body; all the days ordained for me were.

As I grow into my older years I find that ," I truly am longing to meet the Lord."

I have seen the good things of the Lord and I know from His beautiful scripture , That Heaven awaits and I eagerly await heaven.

I have seen several people ( Christ believers) that have passed from this life to that heavenly life. I have been in their presence as they passed. " oh, what a blessings when you know that they have Christ as their sin forgiver, they have trusted in his finished work on Calvary."

My recent published book: "MY Christian Journey Through a Fallen World"is my true story of my life. I start from the day I was birthed and go through all my life's struggles.

But if you read, you will see that ALL of IT was ordained by my great creator.

You have that journey to my friend, and your days are number as mine is. Can you say with me, I am longing to see the Lord?

Lord, if this should be my last year or days on earth, may I live it to bring glory to your name. I want to see you; but then scripture says," YOU long to see me". How amazing !!

I want my talents YOU gave me to be handed back to YOU double portion. if you left me 10 may I give back to YOU 20, if you gave me 2 may i give YOU back double. As in the scripture

Matthew 25: 1-30 please don't let me be guilty of hiding my one talent and not give back to YOU any increase. You are worthy ! Longing to meet you Lord,

Face to face with Christ my Savior, Face to face...what will it be, When with the rapture, I behold Him.Jesus Christ who died for me?

For the King and His Kingdom

Sarah Tyler-Author

How AMAZING! All because Jesus Died

for us. O. Happy Day!!

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