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  • Writer's picture Sarah Tyler Author


I was drawn to 1 Samuels 3:3 where Samuels was called by God as he lay sleeping in the house of Eli.

The scripture repeats how Samuel heard a voice being called, over and over.

He jumped from his sleeping and ran to Eli and said, " Here I am". you called me. But Eli said, " I did not call: go back and lie down." This happened again and again, as scripture points out.

The Lord called, " Samuel!!" So Samuel got up and went to Eli and said again, " Here I am; you called me."

My son. " Eli said. "I didn't call; go and lay down." Then Eli realized that the Lord was calling Samuel. " Go and lie down, and if he calls you, say" "Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening". It goes on to tell Samuel that the Lord, our God was about to do something.

I use this scenario, from scripture to convey what I feel is a word that I, and maybe even you, need to listen for a word from the Lord. I'm listening for a word from God in my particular circumstances. " Speak Lord, Speak!

There's a scripture in 2 Chronicles 15:6 that is so fitting for the chaos we find ourselves in at this season of life. But in their distress, they turned to the Lord, the God of Isreal, and sought him, and HE WAS FOUND by them.

My friends, we are in the same scenario of Second Chronicles 15: 5-6. In those times there was NO peace, in their going out and coming in, for GOD troubled them with every possible distress. Did you just read what I said? God troubled them. GOD TOOK THE BLAME!

I see in the old testament when God's people departed from Him. Judgment followed soon behind. Because of Jesus and His death for our sins, God doesn't rain down fire and brimstone, or send floods, like in Noah's day. But we can experience God's passive wrath. His passive wrath is described in Romans 1:24, 26, 28. It says God turned them over to impurity. And then later to disgraceful passions. A third time, He turned them over to a corrupt mind. Do you see? We are here!.

I see this as to why the pandemic, the uneasy rest, the inflation, the Government problems, the troubles in our going in and coming out, bring no peace. God is trying to get our attention. Remember Second Chronicles 15: 5-6. They found no peace. And just like then is true today, God caused the unrest.

Will you say with me?, "Speak Lord, Speak, Your servant is listening." I'm Looking for your comments on how the Lord is speaking to you. SPEAK LORD, SPEAK...Your servant is listening. Because He is SPEAKING!, We just have to LISTEN!

For the King and His Kingdom.

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