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  • Writer's picture Sarah Tyler Author


AS the story goes.......a lot happens in seven days, one week. Things change.

Plans fall short, joy and sorrows weave through each day.

I was given this lovely bracelet, by my now deceased sister in-law. She recently passed from a long illness of pain and suffering.

Our Lord, (as we are both His children from trusting in Jesus' sacrifice for our sins.) allowed us to have many visits before her death.

How amazing the journey that the Lord took us on. She was the one sister in-law I knew the least. My husband had four sisters, although I never got to know this one like a couple of the others. But God in His wisdom brought us together from a phone call one day.

" can you braid hair"? And, I having a hair dressing license, with experience, said yes, I can. This began our months of sweet sharing of God's love, doing her hair in her home.

In her better days she had seen this bracelet and thought of me. I will cherish it always.

And as I discovered: it has seven decorative chains on it. A reminder that we need to pray everyday. ( I personally find I need to pray many times a day.)

Reminiscing while in prayer I began to see that each strand can represent the prayers for God, family, friends, health, safety, our world. Oh, how He longs to hear from His children

Let the photo of this bracelet be a reminder that wherever your journey may lead, you are never along. There are several verses in different Bible chapters of this quoted verse, but my favorite is ; Deuteronomy 31:6. " Be strong and of good courageous, do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord our God who goes with you. He will never leave you or forsake you. NKJ " NO EVER".

YOUR JOURNEY....Where does it lead you? Jesus as Lord and Savior I pray.

For the King and His Kingdom, Sarah Tyler Author.

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